Posts Tagged ‘video’
Riding my mountain bike down a huge rock
An illegal trail named Bong Drop in Aliso Woods. This feature is tough cause it is practically vertical at the bottom, and your rolling down a steep slippery, bumpy rock. Recorded by my MTB mentor and Local Legend Paul Tata.
See how i roll….On my 2 day adventure

Flying Down The Canyon
One of my most favorite things to do on a bicycle is coming down Laguna Canyon Road with the Saturday group. There is an amazing synergy, its a PR every time for sure. This particular Saturday is special as our group encountered another group, so it was on like donkey kong. I jumped up in to the front early on but there was a long snake of cyclist behind me. Good times!

Rotating Pacelines on PCH POV
Some footage of the group I ride with on Saturdays. This was a 68 Mile ride from Tustin to Queen Mary Long Beach and back to Tustin. The group dropped
A POV video of us practicing the rotating paceline, I often like to refer to this as “collaboartive cycling”, it is the fastest and most efficient way for a group of cyclist to travel. There are 2 line the left line, the left line is the fast lane, while the line on the right is the slow (recovery) lane. This is only effective and possible with a group of cyclist with similar levels of fitness. We are traveling just under 30 mphs.
Below is quick video of us cycling along the long beach bike path.
My 89 Mile Solo Cycling Journey during COVID lockdown
Aliso Creek Trail loop
See my beautiful regular cycling route
Black Fly Aircraft coming in 2019

My personal voice activated security system and more
Based off of AIY Google Voice Hat for $10 on Amazon I control my home security camera via wifi. I add 5 streaming radio channels, I add youtube voice search and google search and checking my gmail email. On top of Google Assistant API so as to include all the Google Home features.
Using machine learning/ artificial intelligence we control a security system thru voice commands
Download the code below:
Project was written using Python on Raspberry PI 3 with Voice Hat

In this case study we bring our internet skills to traditional telecommunications, in a project we dubbed the RoboBouncer. RoboBouncer is a bot that screens your phone voice phone calls by asking for the user to speak there name, it then calls you plays the recording and provides you with an option to accept or reject the call.
With full programmatic control of call handling, the possibilities the internet brings to traditional calling are endless. We have set up phone IVR systems (Company Directories), Lead Transfer Systems to High Volume outbound calling.
To test out the RoboBouncer you can call our phone number (949)446-1716
After popular demand we made a commercial version that automates the deployment of a RoboBouncer. Click here to create your own RoboBouncer
For the technically inclined we have posted the code and info at BitBucket
Creating a telephone call screening service using Twilio
The Call Flow
-Caller calls your Twilio Number. The agent will ask the caller to speak there name and record it. Then place the caller in enquene (Inbound Call) -Using Twilio REST API initiate an (outbound call), from your Twilio Number to your personal phone number. Plays the recording, and presents you with the following options:
Press 1 (DTMF) or Say Accept (SpeechResult) -connects the call to Caller using Dial Queue Verbs -OR- Press 2 (DTMF) or say Reject (SpeechResult) ->Using REST API we notify the caller and end the call enqueue and hang up our call
Uses TWIML API and Twilio Voice API PHP SDK
Uses Queue and EnQueue to place caller on hold. Could use Conference verb as well instead of Enqueue, just replace Enqueue with Conference for more options
Follow this wonderful guide to set up your free twilio account, get a phone number and your API SID and Token
Dont forget to assign the webhook step1.xml (or if you use TWIMLBIN select the twimlbin URL) to your twilio phone number
Setting up a webserver isnt necessary. Use Twilios TWIMLBin for the XML files and "Functions" for the PHP files (convert logic to Javascript the IVR Menu example is a good starting blueprint) -I would suggest loading the XML files into TWIMLBIN let Twilio host the files so you dont have too, and if your capable Twilio Functions for the server side Code
Robo-Bouncer code in my BitBucket
Check out my commercial version here
Good Gun Control Arguments worth considering
This gentleman makes some great points worth considering on the topic of gun control.

Scientific Data that Proves Global Warming is another Lie
A recording of a testimony from Dr. Don Easterbrook before the United States Senate Environment & Energy Committee, for which he provides a lot of weather data and facts that contradict the global warming narrative. Dr Easterbrook states upfront he is not backed by any special interest, and his only funding for his research is from government tax funding. Some important things he points out, is that there is no correlation between Co2 emissions and global warming. CO2 emissions didnt increase until after the 1940’s during the rise of the industrial era, during which time all records show that the earth temperature was cooling, also the measurement of CO2 in the overall atmosphere is not even close to 1%, he touches on all the important points.
Thank You Dr Don Easterbrook, for giving the truth a voice, it’s refreshing to be presented with data and no BS.