Posts Tagged ‘cycling’
See how i roll….On my 2 day adventure

Longest Ride 184 Miles
Flying Down The Canyon
One of my most favorite things to do on a bicycle is coming down Laguna Canyon Road with the Saturday group. There is an amazing synergy, its a PR every time for sure. This particular Saturday is special as our group encountered another group, so it was on like donkey kong. I jumped up in to the front early on but there was a long snake of cyclist behind me. Good times!

Rotating Pacelines on PCH POV
Some footage of the group I ride with on Saturdays. This was a 68 Mile ride from Tustin to Queen Mary Long Beach and back to Tustin. The group dropped
A POV video of us practicing the rotating paceline, I often like to refer to this as “collaboartive cycling”, it is the fastest and most efficient way for a group of cyclist to travel. There are 2 line the left line, the left line is the fast lane, while the line on the right is the slow (recovery) lane. This is only effective and possible with a group of cyclist with similar levels of fitness. We are traveling just under 30 mphs.
Below is quick video of us cycling along the long beach bike path.
My 89 Mile Solo Cycling Journey during COVID lockdown
Aliso Creek Trail loop
See my beautiful regular cycling route
My 2 best rides for 2019
So i started cycling in december and managed to put in 300 miles in my first month. something i never even thought was possible. What helped keep me engage was the strava app as it appeals to my competitive spirit, and using the latest technology to monitor and measure my biofeedback, learning about all the health variables and watching there progression over time also helped keep me motivated, most fasinating was learning about the heart rate variable and all that it entails. so in 2019 i completed lofty rides that i never thought was even possible for myself.
laguna niguel to oceanside
riding for 9 miles on the freeway was interesting to say the least.
laguna niguel to newport beach
great network of bike trails from irvine all the way to newport, i plan to do a “there and back” trip this month some time.
i plan to cycle the entire southern california coast from the north end of LA to San diego in the month of january. i also entered the january strava challenge 1250 km in one month. i am currently on track to get the trophy on it.
My latest hobby
Thanks to one my best friends for hooking me up with this mechanical masterpiece.
This trek domane is made of carbon fiber so its light as a feather, and like riding a bullet.
My goal is to ride from Laguna Niguel to Oceanside, and then take a train back, its just about a 40 mile ride, which is a lot for my out of shape ass. but do-able. So in preparation I’ve been training a couple times a week doing a beautiful 12 mile ride from my house in Laguna Niguel to the house my family is building in San Clemente, meanwhile learning about all the technology on the bike and how it applies to my own physical stats.