Personal Projects
Navenu Update
Being apart of the Navenu project has been amazing. The project has some incredible talented and successful people involved, and I have learned a lot working with everyone. Like any start-up theres points where we are just barely hanging on, and sacrifices must be made. But after everything I feel like we finally made it to an important milestone. The completion of our mobile application for android and IOS. We just wrapped up development and now preparing for a soft launch in London. This was also the first mobile application project I have ever developed, so I am so humbled that everyone in the company put so much faith in me knowing that I did not have any expierence developing mobile applications.
The company is headed in an exciting direction, as we begin our move into the Web3 space. We have also begun applying artificial intelligence into the application.
Tracking OC COVID-19 progression per city
The pandemic has ended thank god! Unfortunately the data is no longer avaliable so i can longer provide a live example but here is a screen shot of what the program looked like.
Thanks to the current pandemic lock down, I have even more extra time on my hands. So i wrote a program that collects the OC gov's COVID data per city, so i can play with the data and maybe see which cities to avoid...Originally when i started Irvine and Newport Beach had the most cases, but then Anaheim quickly jumped to the the top in a few days alongside Irvine (as of april 7th). Southern cities have had minimal cases.
My 2 best rides for 2019
So i started cycling in december and managed to put in 300 miles in my first month. something i never even thought was possible. What helped keep me engage was the strava app as it appeals to my competitive spirit, and using the latest technology to monitor and measure my biofeedback, learning about all the health variables and watching there progression over time also helped keep me motivated, most fasinating was learning about the heart rate variable and all that it entails. so in 2019 i completed lofty rides that i never thought was even possible for myself.
laguna niguel to oceanside
riding for 9 miles on the freeway was interesting to say the least.
laguna niguel to newport beach
great network of bike trails from irvine all the way to newport, i plan to do a “there and back” trip this month some time.
i plan to cycle the entire southern california coast from the north end of LA to San diego in the month of january. i also entered the january strava challenge 1250 km in one month. i am currently on track to get the trophy on it.
My latest hobby
Thanks to one my best friends for hooking me up with this mechanical masterpiece.
This trek domane is made of carbon fiber so its light as a feather, and like riding a bullet.
My goal is to ride from Laguna Niguel to Oceanside, and then take a train back, its just about a 40 mile ride, which is a lot for my out of shape ass. but do-able. So in preparation I’ve been training a couple times a week doing a beautiful 12 mile ride from my house in Laguna Niguel to the house my family is building in San Clemente, meanwhile learning about all the technology on the bike and how it applies to my own physical stats.
Powering the tiniest stepper motor
Getting this micro bipolar stepper motor to do what I want was probably one of the hardest things Ive ever had to learn.
These inexpensive stepper motors are from china and there isnt much documentation and I couldnt find any existing code to base off of. So i had to tackle this on my own. Hadd to learn about steps per revolution, PWM, drivers, etc.
Anyways I wound up running L2938 H Driver powered by attiny85 micro controller unfortunately the torque on these motors didnt wind up sufficing for our project, but now I can control just about any stepper motor in the future which im sure will be useful at some point.
Building my perfect motorcycle
Took me 2 weeks to build this from the ground up, this would be my 4th motorcycle, my last one had been stolen and raped before police recovered it, 2 blown motors and one accident on the freeway. Making it kind of sketchy to ride.
So i took the parts off my old bike that i knew were good and then put together this bike, and shes perfect.
Tracking DMV wait times
So I was required to visit one of our favorite state agencies, the DMV. Its been a while, and when i showed up the line was wrapping around the building. So i went home to spare my day, and figure out a better way to accomplish this civic duty.
With some general knowledge of the existing public data, I attempted to track the wait times for all my local DMV's. and figure out where and when a good time to go to the DMV would be.
Going to the DMV website I found some interesting stats
This data provides a general overview but not the specifics im looking for. After a little more digging I wass able to find "some what" real time wait time on the DMW website:So i proceeded to scrape those wait times into a MYSQL database every 15 minutes for each location. Making use of that much data can be difficult, so i need to make a way to visualize the data, so i employed google charts. If your interested in seeing the ongoing results of this project click here
I was able to figure out the best time and location, which i will publish online after I finish my dealings with the DMV. So be sure to check back or subscribe to my site for an update.
My personal voice activated security system and more
Based off of AIY Google Voice Hat for $10 on Amazon I control my home security camera via wifi. I add 5 streaming radio channels, I add youtube voice search and google search and checking my gmail email. On top of Google Assistant API so as to include all the Google Home features.
Using machine learning/ artificial intelligence we control a security system thru voice commands
Download the code below:
Project was written using Python on Raspberry PI 3 with Voice Hat
OnPoint MMJ Management Application

OnPoint is the biggest project I ever developed. Now open source to the public.

Built using YII Framework

In this case study we bring our internet skills to traditional telecommunications, in a project we dubbed the RoboBouncer. RoboBouncer is a bot that screens your phone voice phone calls by asking for the user to speak there name, it then calls you plays the recording and provides you with an option to accept or reject the call.
With full programmatic control of call handling, the possibilities the internet brings to traditional calling are endless. We have set up phone IVR systems (Company Directories), Lead Transfer Systems to High Volume outbound calling.
To test out the RoboBouncer you can call our phone number (949)446-1716
After popular demand we made a commercial version that automates the deployment of a RoboBouncer. Click here to create your own RoboBouncer
For the technically inclined we have posted the code and info at BitBucket
Creating a telephone call screening service using Twilio
The Call Flow
-Caller calls your Twilio Number. The agent will ask the caller to speak there name and record it. Then place the caller in enquene (Inbound Call) -Using Twilio REST API initiate an (outbound call), from your Twilio Number to your personal phone number. Plays the recording, and presents you with the following options:
Press 1 (DTMF) or Say Accept (SpeechResult) -connects the call to Caller using Dial Queue Verbs -OR- Press 2 (DTMF) or say Reject (SpeechResult) ->Using REST API we notify the caller and end the call enqueue and hang up our call
Uses TWIML API and Twilio Voice API PHP SDK
Uses Queue and EnQueue to place caller on hold. Could use Conference verb as well instead of Enqueue, just replace Enqueue with Conference for more options
Follow this wonderful guide to set up your free twilio account, get a phone number and your API SID and Token
Dont forget to assign the webhook step1.xml (or if you use TWIMLBIN select the twimlbin URL) to your twilio phone number
Setting up a webserver isnt necessary. Use Twilios TWIMLBin for the XML files and "Functions" for the PHP files (convert logic to Javascript the IVR Menu example is a good starting blueprint) -I would suggest loading the XML files into TWIMLBIN let Twilio host the files so you dont have too, and if your capable Twilio Functions for the server side Code
Robo-Bouncer code in my BitBucket
Check out my commercial version here
Controlled Prescription Medication Device
For the past few years my partner (Mark Harrington) along with the contribution from Vision Miner (Robert Lent and Patrick Smith) for the 3D Printer and Geared For Speed (Lenny Detaranto) for his genius. Have been working on an inexpensive solution to secure medication access, a device that only allows access to medication every 24 hours, the only other way to access medication would be to break the device. The device was originally created to help people beat withdrawls from addiction by helping addicts taper off. But we have also found interest from pharmacutical companies as a way to safely distribute pain medication.